Where Are They Wednesday – Stephanie Hackney

Stephanie Hackney Cup 36 Coffee With a StrangerEvery Wednesday we check in on a former “stranger” to see what they’ve been up to since they had Coffee With a Stranger. Today, let’s catch up with:

Cup 36: Stephanie Hackney – Paper crafter extraordinaire, overlander expert and world traveler

What was the biggest surprise or aha that came from being a part of the Coffee With A Stranger project? 

How easy it was to chat with you! I felt like we had known each other our whole lives. The time flew by and I’m so happy to call you a friend (a real friend, not a Facebook “friend!”).

What’s the biggest change in your life since we had our coffee? 

I have become consumed with my new online business, PaperCrafter’s Corner, which I had just purchased when we met. I have gone from consulting with start-ups on branding, marketing, social media and PR to applying everything I’ve learned throughout my career and taught clients to my own start-up. Oh, and I stopped running. That’s not good.

Call it a resolution, call it a goal, call it mindfulness…is there something you are either trying to start doing, stop doing or are going to do differently this year? 

Each year I choose One Little Word (inspired by Ali Edwards, whom you have to interview!) and this year’s is FOCUS. I need to focus my energy on that which will get me to my goals, both personally and professionally. On the personal front, it’s time to make my health and fitness a priority again. On the professional front, I have worked hard to attract new clients for my site and I will need to maintain focus (ooh, look, kitty!) in order to accomplish everything I need to do for my clients and my business. The last year was all about growing the site and our social media presence – now that we’ve done so (in a big way – yay!), I need to stay laser focused on delivering on what I’ve committed to for those who have entrusted their brands to me.

What are you most looking forward to over the next 12 months?

My daughter’s wedding (in May); more quality time with the love of my life, the man I married 18 years ago next month; fun times with close friends (like you!); becoming more physically fit; and, delivering for my clients. See, I told you I need to focus!

To learn more about Stephanie Hackney, check out our original coffee, then visit her website.
If you enjoyed this catch-up conversation with a stranger, “Like” the Coffee With A Stranger Project Facebook page and you’ll never miss a cup! And you’ll make me smile.

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