New City=Perfect Timing

The best way to get plugged in to a new city, is to get connected to the people. We moved to beautiful Austin, TX a couple of weeks ago and I vow, this move will be the driver to get this blog off the ground. Check back in one week and I PROMISE, there will […]

Who knew?

I really had not imagined that this blog would be more of a challenge than Weekly Read.  I thought, coffee with one person each week-easy peasy! As it turns out-somewhat challenging! The coffee with someone is not the part causing the snag.  I have tons of interesting people who I would love to invite to […]

How it all began

One day I was preparing to give a workshop on the topic of “Seven Secrets of Successful Salespeople” and I was searching for supporting information related to Secret #4: Successful Salespeople Never Stop Learning.  I came across a quote from Charlie ‘Tremendous’ Jones. He said “You are the same today as you’ll be in five years except […]