How it all began

One day I was preparing to give a workshop on the topic of “Seven Secrets of Successful Salespeople” and I was searching for supporting information related to Secret #4: Successful Salespeople Never Stop Learning.  I came across a quote from Charlie ‘Tremendous’ Jones. He said “You are the same today as you’ll be in five years except for two things, the books you read and the people you meet”.

What an interesting thought.

I decided at that moment I absolutely must do a better job at making sure I didn’t end up the same person in five years as I was in that moment.

Nothing wrong with me, as is, today.  Well, nothing more wrong than the average person I suppose.  Certainly not without fault and flaws-but still not good enough to warrant never changing.

The truth is, no one wants to be exactly the same in five years.  Sure, some may want to have the same waistline or number of wrinkles (if the alternative is larger or more).  But on the inside, we share a desire to grow, expand our horizons, be challenged, learn, share, heal, question, meet an expert, be an expert.  In fact, according to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Self-Actualization is in part, “to become everything that one is capable of becoming”.

So here we go-on a journey to make sure I become everything I am capable of becoming. Over the next five years, each week I will share a cup of coffee (water, tea, soft drink, beer, wine, etc. may be substituted at the discretion of those involved) with a new person and chronicle the  experience here. Also, I will read something new each week and write about it with reflections on why it matters and what I plan to do with my new knowledge. (See Weekly Read for that post)


  • Well, first of all, I think it sounds like the most interesting project.
  • Second, I want to have a place where the journey is cataloged and my progress tracked.
  • Third, I need something that will hold me accountable.  Even if it is just my mom reading this (hi mom!), I will feel a sense of obligation to continue the project and not let my raving fans (thanks mom-and dad!) down.
  • And finally, it might inspire you start a similar project.  Maybe not every week a new person, but maybe once a month.  Or maybe quarterly.  Or maybe it simply inspires you to invite your cranky neighbor over for a cup of coffee so you can figure out what makes them tick.

I think Mr. Tremendous was really on to something.  Who will I be at the end of the project?  Only one way to find out. Here we go!

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