24th Cup: Josh Kimbell – Austin transplant, food expert and coffee aficionado

Josh K.The Place: Houndstooth Coffee

The Cup: Several, tiny, slurped spoonfuls of coffee for both of us followed by a Cappuccino for Josh and a Breve Cortado for yours truly.

Background: I decided to consult my Twitter network for suggestions on interesting Austonians that I should add to the 2013 Coffee With a Stranger Wish List and Josh chimed in with a fantastic suggestion, Top Chef Season 9 champion, Paul Qui (who happens to be #3 on the list). After a few back and forths, Josh also kindly offered himself for a coffee meet-up. I figured, why not?

For those who have read the blog for a while, you’ll know I am a huge fan of Houndstooth Coffee. Well, after my coffee with Josh, I am an even bigger fan. We happened to get there just as they were starting a complimentary coffee tasting (“cupping” happens to be the proper term) so we joined in.  It’s 2013 folks and this blog is gettin’ crazy!  Just wait, I’ve got another surprise to share in a moment.

Now Josh has a pretty solid advantage in this “tasting” realm, for he is a foodie. And that’s not just a term I throw around.  His credentials include; graduating from culinary school, writing a food blog and it’s his actual title at Central Market, where he works.  So what’s the advantage, you may wonder? In addition to the obvious (he knows what he’s talking about) there is his vocabulary. Specifically, his ability to find appropriate ways of describing tastes that make one sound both knowledgeable and sophisticated. So, when asked to describe what he tasted when he slurped his spoonful of coffee, he didn’t say “It tastes sour.  And kind of bitter.”  Instead he said, “I taste notes of berry – blackberry maybe.  And it finishes with caramel.” Yes! That’s what I meant when I said sour and bitter – blackberry. OK, so I didn’t. But after 30 minutes of cupping and a great education from the Houndstooth folks, I learned that I did, in fact, mean blackberry. If you are in Austin, I suggest you attend a cupping for yourself.

After our taste buds were awakened, we were ready to get to chatting. But not before first enjoying a Zzang! Bar – Oprah’s favorite chocolate bar. How did we end up sharing this delectable treat from Zingerman’s in Michigan? Well, thanks to the kindness and generosity of Josh, who brought the bar for us to share knowing it went well with coffee. He’d picked it up when he went to Michigan to visit his girlfriend’s family recently. What a seriously cool guy!

Josh is originally from California and moved to Austin when he made the decision to go to culinary school after graduation. He looked at several cities, but told me that for some reason he kept coming back to Austin. He didn’t know a soul in his new Texas home, but that didn’t deter him. He set out for Austin with a dream in his heart, and like many of his college-bound peers, a credit card in his hand. I can relate, having racked up more than my share of credit card debt in the four years I spent working my way through college. Not to mention the student loans that followed. It makes me wonder how anyone ever gets ahead, when too often they start out so far behind.

For the first 18 months after culinary school, Josh lived a pretty hectic life, in an effort to pay off his debt. He took a job as a Starbucks manager, because it paid well, and worked 5am-1pm every day, then went to Austin Community College for a class, then to his second job at Central Market where he worked until close. Next day – wake up and repeat.  This wasn’t sustainable and more importantly, not at all conducive to having a life.

Today, I’m delighted to report, Josh works just one full-time job – at Central Market, and is happy as a clam. I mentioned above that his title is Foodie and I wasn’t kidding. Sounded pretty cool, but I needed to know more. Turns out it’s even cooler than I thought. Josh tells me his job is to essentially be a walking encyclopedia. He wanders around the store looking for folks who look like they might need a little help. Often, he’s answering questions about how to prepare something, what items pair well together, what happens when a certain oil is heated to 400 degrees, or whatever other questions folks throw his way. I suggest you stay away from one topic though. I’m always curious to know what food items a “food person” detests.  For Josh, olives, of any sort, are a gag reflex inducer. Poor guy!  I’ve never met an olive I didn’t like. You may be curious what food item makes his heart sing. Sushi. Can’t disagree with that.

I alluded earlier to a new blog feature for 2013.  And here it is. I have 26 rapid fire questions that my companion will select 9 from.  Because I am a theme-loving cheese ball, I am naming this feature:

Common Grounds

1. What would be the worst job for you? A janitor at a ball field (due to his dislike of drunken crowds of people).

2. What is the best gift you ever got? A Beagle puppy from his friends and family.

3. What is the most interesting thing in your wallet? A fun gift card that Torchy’s Tacos sent him for his work as a food blogger.

4. How did you make your first buck? While his friends were setting up lemonade stands and mowing lawns, Josh opted for dog-washing.  Brilliant!

5. What is the last book you read? Cloud Atlas. He tells me he enjoyed it but, much like the complaints I’ve heard about the movie, he says it was difficult to follow, so he plans to read it again.

6. What was the last movie you saw? Jiro Dreams of Sushi.  It’s a documentary about a sushi legend who has been making sushi since he was 13. Josh says, “It’s hard to walk away from that movie and not feel inspired, or feel like you should be doing more.”

7. Do you have any pets? Josh has a hedgehog. What a cool pet! He says she is very low maintenance, which is good considering how busy he is.

8. What is something you’ll regret not doing (if you don’t do it)? Traveling. Josh wants to see the world and experience other cultures. From the food to the art, the people, the architecture, he wants to experience how others live.

9. What is the best part of your job? Trying new things. Every day is an opportunity to try a new tea, coffee, cheese, meat, dessert and so on. He tells me he is intensely curious, so this aspect of his job is his favorite.

Another thing he likes about his job is when customers share their feedback with his boss. Josh recently received praise from the management team after they got an earful from happy customers. It is this recognition that Josh names as the most significant thing that’s happened to him in the last 30 days. After he shares this with me, I am touched by the effect this praise has had on him. Recognition for a job well-done is a shared human desire. We all want to hear that we’ve made a difference and that we matter. I am now committed to making the effort to recognize great service when I come across it. I certainly have been known to share my opinion when I get less-than desired service, but I admit that when someone does an excellent job, all they typically get from me is a smile, a thank you and if appropriate, a better than average tip. But I never write on a comment card, tell them they rock or find a manager and tell them. 2013 is going to be different. Maybe you already do this, but if not, perhaps you’ll be inspired too.

The items on Josh’s near-term bucket list all involve saving up dough. First, to pay off his debt. Second, to take his girlfriend to where he grew up in California to show her around and third, to buy an engagement ring. Don’t worry, she knows. But what she doesn’t know is how or when it’s coming. I know the how part and can safely say, it’s Pinterest and YouTube worthy.

Josh’s dream is to own a Bed and Breakfast someday. He wants to have a little farm where he will source his ingredients and cook amazing food for his guests. His girlfriend is a masseuse and also has plans to go back to school for business. It sounds like a plan that is well suited for both of their strengths and skills. I look forward to staying there someday.

The best mistake Josh ever made happened at a California Target. He worked there in high school and had decided that he’d make a career of it – climb the Target corporate ladder and see where it led. Well, fate intervened and Josh was let go before making that career dream a reality. It was after this set-back that Josh decided to pursue his culinary interests and to move to Austin. He is quick to recognize how different his life would be if things had gone “according to plan” and expresses gratitude for the “mistake”.

For a guy who offered himself up for coffee with a stranger, he tells me the thing people might be surprised to learn (which is also the thing he’d change about himself) is that he can be a little shy. He tells me he isn’t a bar guy and often would prefer an evening on the couch watching Netflix to going out on the town. Just as I’m thinking that this doesn’t really sound that bad, he adds, “I should say ‘yes’ more.”

Josh turns 26 this week (HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH!), and after spending an hour with him, I’m impressed by his self-awareness. It’s something I was lacking at his age and something many people are severely deficient in. We seem to live in a culture of finger-pointing and divisiveness. We can easily name the things about someone else that need changing and most of the time, we’ve got a few ideas on how they can improve. But to find a mirror and take a good hard look at the person you see staring back at you, it’s harder to name those things that need changing. It’s easier to blame life circumstances than to take responsibility for the path you’re headed down. It’s easier to go with the flow and see where you end up than it is to set goals and draw your own map.

In 2013, I’m taking a page from Josh’s book and stepping out of my comfort zone. He has inspired me to give positive recognition when it’s deserved, to figure out what I want in life and take the risks necessary to make it happen and to say ‘yes’ more often.  Oh, and to improve my food descriptor vocabulary so I don’t look like a shmuck next time I’m at a cupping at Houndstooth.  Maybe I’ll see you there!

To find out more about Josh, check out his blog, The Avocado Apex and follow him on Twitter.

3 thoughts on “24th Cup: Josh Kimbell – Austin transplant, food expert and coffee aficionado

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