Where Are They Wednesday – Shennandoah Diaz

Coffee With A Stranger Cup 2 Shennandoah DiazEvery Wednesday we check in on a former “stranger” to see what they’ve been up to since they had Coffee With a Stranger. Today, let’s catch up with:

Cup number 2: Shennandoah Diaz – marketing maven, creative thinker and fellow learn-a-holic

What was the biggest surprise or aha that came from being a part of the Coffee With A Stranger project?

The first big surprise was making a new friend. We were introduced through an online acquaintance who was trying to help you make some coffee connections in Austin. We clicked right away. I was also surprised by how warm and open you were and supportive of the transitions I was going through. It made the whole experience wonderful, but most of all it brought a new rewarding relationship into my life!

What’s the biggest change in your life since we had our coffee?

Well, everything has changed—and I mean everything. As you know I lost two family members last year, one of which was my father. My father has been sick most of my life, but the last three years were really hard on him and our entire family. Watching your father die a slow and painful death is devastating, but it also forces you to really appreciate everything you have and to get clear on what’s really worth your time.

While my personal life was being rocked to the core, I also went through some major changes and “Awakenings” in my professional life. Facing so much change and loss forces you to ask deep questions about who you are and how you’ve been living. I realized despite all of my efforts to live authentically, I still wasn’t 100% there. So I took a step back and realized that I needed to shift everything and not only change industries or careers, but really get focused and unapologetic about what I want to accomplish.

My mission has always been to teach people how to be happy, healthy, and free so they can live up to their full potential. I thought about what that meant to me and came up with my new concept, Terra Cotta Cove (http://www.terracottacove.com), which is focused on providing education, resources, and eventually services to support a holistic lifestyle. I signed up and started working toward my certification as a Planetary Herbalist integrating Ayurveda, Chinese, and Western herbal traditions and am seeking out additional training in holistic nutrition, coaching, and lifestyle support techniques. I don’t know 100% how all of this will manifest, but I did know that I wanted to start sharing and building those conversations right away through the blog and resources I share. Most of all, I hope to help others avoid my father’s fate. Our well-being is so important, but it’s often the thing most neglected. Most don’t realize how important it is until it’s gone or comprised.

Call it a resolution, call it a goal, call it mindfulness…is there something you are either trying to start doing, stop doing or are going to do differently this year? 

There are a few things. First I’m taking a cue from Tony Robbins and working on not “shoulding all over myself.” I’ve spent most of my life doing what I think I should be doing, especially when it comes to my career. Now I am focused on what I want to do, what fulfills me, and what will really make a big and positive impact on the world and my family. I’m also focusing on working through my limitations. We all have things we do to hold ourselves back. Mostly fear. Though I’ve been a personal development nut for awhile, I am at a point where I can really break through the barriers of fear and move in a direction that is uncharted, unexpected, and not what many would think I “should” do based on my past and experiences. But I want to make this life count. I can’t do that unless I jump in feet first.

What are you most looking forward to over the next 12 months?

I’m looking forward to so much this year. I’m excited to finally be going after my secret passion and making it real. I love the people I’ve met so far; the other herbalists and natural healers. They are amazing, caring, sharing, giving people. They make learning fun and even more rewarding than it already is. I’m looking forward to making more connections and networking while also clarifying my value proposition. I already have my website and my mission and values statement. I just don’t know yet exactly how I am going to get there. Which is weird as I am the strategist and have made a living for the past decade knowing what to do and telling others what needed to be done. It’s frightening not having a clear game plan, but it’s like I said earlier – I have to work through the fear. I have to lean in to the emotion and move forward anyway. I can’t say that I am doing it gracefully, but I am doing it with grace, gratitude, and a whole lot of kindness toward myself.

To learn more about Shennandoah Diaz, check out our original coffee, then visit her website.
If you enjoyed this catch-up conversation with a stranger, “Like” the Coffee With A Stranger Project Facebook page and you’ll never miss a cup! And you’ll make me smile.

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