Where Are They Wednesday – Thom Singer

Thom Singer, Coffee With A Stranger Cup 17Every Wednesday we check in on a former “stranger” to see what they’ve been up to since they had Coffee With a Stranger. Today, let’s catch up with:

Coffee With A Stranger Cup 17: Thom Singer – Family guy, networking advocate and international speaker

What was the biggest surprise or aha that came from being a part of the Coffee With A Stranger project?

I was impressed by how many people read your blog. For months after my interview many people I knew said “Hey, I enjoyed Melissa’s piece on you in the Coffee With A Stranger series. You clearly have hit on a great idea that resonates with people.

What’s the biggest change in your life since we had our coffee?

My father passed away in December. He was 99 years old, and his health had been failing over the past few months. While he led a long and full life, it was still sad. I was fortunate, as he was one of the good guys and a true role model. My three older brothers, and our families, got together after Christmas for a memorial service. We told a lot of stories about our parents (my mom passed away 29 years earlier) and had a great family reunion.  It was fun to see my daughters and their eight cousins (all boys) have such a wonderful time together. Additionally, many neighbors, relatives and family friends joined us in the celebration of my dad. He was loved by many. His death has impacted me, and I am working harder to be as good of a man as he was in all his words and actions.

Call it a resolution, call it a goal, call it mindfulness…is there something you are either trying to start doing, stop doing or are going to do differently this year?

2013 was a good year personally and professionally. It was a fun year filled with amazing adventures and clients. I am focused on finding ways to make 2014 even more exciting and rewarding. However, as a speaker and trainer most of my clients come through word-of mouth, so I cannot always control where my business will come from or when the next opportunity will appear. I am also looking to focus on personal growth and overcoming areas where I fall short. We all have faults, and part of my journey this year is to improve as business person, husband, father, and friend. I appreciate the people who come into my life and want to do a better job of letting others know that I see their value.

What are you most looking forward to over the next 12 months?

I am looking forward to the people who will share the journey. Not everyone we meet becomes part of our network, but I know some really cool folks are going to cross my path in 2014…. I just don’t know who they are yet.

If you enjoyed this catch-up conversation with a stranger, “Like” the Coffee With A Stranger Project Facebook page and you’ll never miss a cup! And you’ll make me smile.

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